
What You Should Know Before Going in Deep with an Online College or Two

What You Should Know Before Going in Deep with an Online College or Two

People have been wondering about what it feels like to study in an Online College, but there are things that you need to know before enrolling in one.

In Online Colleges, nothing is even worse than a bad time management

If you are someone with a bad time management system or you cannot manage your time well enough, then I suggest you go far away from that I call as Online Colleges. If you study at Online Colleges, time management should be your first priority. Without a good one, you cannot expect to finish a course in time and you cannot get your Online Degree for a long time, which leads to further payment and an increased loss of money. While you are the master of when and what you are studying, it does not mean that Online Colleges do not have deadlines imposed. Heck, the deadlines can be even worse than traditional colleges.

Online students need to be twice as motivated as the ordinary college student

Think about this scenario: Bob is a student of an online course. He can do it at home and doing it will require him to move his fat bottom from the comfy couch he got and to the personal computer. Kathy is a traditional college student, and to learn new stuffs, she is required to attend physical classes. If you look at it in its shallowest, sure it is easier for Bob to learn new stuffs as he does not need to go to physical classes.

However, there is one thing that the scenario misses, and it is motivation. What if Bob is not a man of learning? While it is easier for Bob to learn new things, it is also easier for Bob NOT to do so. There is a high chance that the call of the couch is too hard for Bob to resist, making him leave his learning duties untouched.

It is not easy as you might have thought

Many people dismissed Online Colleges as a college where you will only learn about the easy stuffs. These people are ignorant, and they are wrong to boot. I once read a material for an Online College that my friend got, and boy oh boy how hard it is for me to learn all about that material. The lack of a direct tutelage did not help me as well, as I did not have anyone to ask about the material. In the end, I fluked the material while my friend did not.

To some people’s understanding, the tutors of Online Colleges are bots

And they are wrong. The real tutors for Online Colleges are real people, and they are not just your ordinary real people. They are people with enough classifications, people that will help you learn the most out of the materials. They are real life professors with a nice amount of credibility. They are the same professors as the ones who teach at traditional colleges. You may choose to meet them in real life or not, but most of your conversations will take place in online forums or any other communication platform that the Online College provides.

Anything to Know about Online College
As we know that online education was frequently proffered by many professionals, students who need more flexible school schedule and parents. So, this article will help you to understand the basic of online education, especially Online College.
If you know the basics first, then you will recognize its advantages and drawbacks, and choosing your online programs that match perfectly with your need.

Is Online College right for your need?
As we know that online education is not for anyone. Many people who being most successful with online education proffered being self-motivated, having ability of meeting deadlines and scheduling their time as well. They will need advanced writing and reading abilities were mostly required to success in this online education. So, you have to learn, if online learning is right choice for you or not.

Some programs still have in person-requirements
There are many online courses and programs that offer you with completely Online Class, while others were not fully virtual or away from the campus. You might find yourself in campus or other locations for specific components, such as: biology laboratorium, clinical nursing requirements and so on.

You will spend many hours in front of computer each week
You should know that online programs may require you to log in and actively participate in online discussion platform at least once a day or few times each week. Besides you can watch and listen your lecturers, you are also able to participate in many group projects and finish other tasks as well.

Even, some online programs were stricter than traditional class, and when you need to add time commitment, they might ask you to spend more time on your program or course each week. So, you have to consider if your schedule and location away from campus were pretty enough to take online learning.

You should have self-discipline
If you choose online learning, then you are the one who take full responsibility of your study. You should know how to balance your time with other responsibilities than can be daunting as well. As mentioned before that online learning was not fit to anyone. If you love to read and can get information by that way, then online learning can be a something that you have to consider. If you have difficult time to sit in a desk or do not enjoy using technology, then online learning is harder for you.

Online learning pros: you know that online learning offers you with more flexibility for those who have job or family responsibilitas beyond of school. Sometimes, students apply in online programs to being able work based on their pace and accelerating their studies as well. The online learning or programs might charge you less than you have to pay in traditional programs.

Despite the great benefits that you can get through Online College, keep in mind that these types of programs were not fit to anyone. They need much hard work each week and a lot of self-discipline as well. You should research any requirement and information before you register.

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